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The Village Panchayat of Goltim Navelim is located in Divar Island in the Tiswadi Taluka of North Goa District. The Divar Village lies in the Mandovi river in the State of Goa, District North Tiswadi Goa. The Divar Village is located approximately upriver 10 km from Panaji City And same is surrounded with Old-Goa on the South-east side, Ribandar, on the South-west and Narve on the North side, from further north-west, in the island-village of Vanxim.

The Village Panchayat of Goltim Navelim is divided into seven wards, each represented by an elected member. The village has a population of 2767, with 1277 males and 1490 females. The Panchayat consists of 7 wards and has 07 elected representatives. (Male 05, Female 02). There are 1203 households in the jurisdiction of Village Panchayat Goltim Navelim. There are two aided Primary and High Schools. The village has 96 commercial establishments.